学生 listening in Behavioral Sciences class

Sociology Overview

的 discipline of sociology offers students an understanding of people, 博彩平台网址大全, social institutions and societies, preparing them for a variety of sociology careers. Our degree programs provide the flexibility to lead you to the career of your dreams. With your professional advisors helping you along the way, you can mix and match majors and minors to get the perfect degree tailored to you and your career aspirations. Plus, you’ll graduate with a strong foundation in liberal arts.

的 requirements for the minor are tailored to allow interested students to develop an individualized major with an emphasis in sociology. You will learn topics such as social psychology, sociological theory and contemporary social problems. Expand your knowledge base and diversify your career options with a minor in history from SMWC.

Interested in majoring in sociology? An individualized major is available to you. While not offered in the general curriculum, a major in sociology can be put together through various consortium agreements and individualized customization. If you are considering a sociology major, contact us today to discuss your options.


What is sociology and what can you do with a degree in it?
Sociology is the study of human relations and institutions, social change, social causes and consequences of human behavior. Combined with other liberal arts majors, a sociology minor would expand your knowledge base and help you pursue graduate study or careers in the following fields:

  • 教育
  • Criminal Justice
  • Geography
  • 艺术
  • International Affairs
  • 语言
  • 法律
  • Criminology

What support and resources are provided at SMWC?
Learning Resource Center (LRC) provides exceptional, personalized learning resource services to encourage student success. 的 LRC offers help with a range of academic support services, including a writing center, 辅导, college success courses and more.